Energy transition

Let’s slow down climate change by supporting the energy transition.

Trains are known to be one of the most efficient means of transport in the world. Their primary energy consumption per passenger kilometre is up to five times lower than that of a car, for example. 

At TUC RAIL, we make the most sustainable form of transport even more environmentally friendly. Find out how we contribute to the energy transition.

Integrating renewable energy

At TUC RAIL, we are committed to integrating renewable energy in the traction network, especially solar panels and wind turbines. The integration of this renewable energy in the traction network remains a challenge today because of 2 elements: 

  • these renewable energy sources only provide energy from the sun and wind;
  • the voltages within the traction network are unconventional (3 000 V DC and 25 000 V AC).

That is why our talented engineers are developing technological solutions that will allow renewable energy to be connected to the traction network anywhere on our railway network.

First projects deployed

In 2023

Construction of a solar park of +- 2 hectares along the L2 high-speed line in Avernas.

In 2024

Construction of a solar park in Boutersem on the embankments of the L2 high-speed line, directly connected to the overhead lines.

Decarbonising road transport

The traction network is designed to provide all trains with high electrical power during peak hours. However, during off-peak hours and at night it is not fully utilised and can be used for other purposes.

At TUC RAIL, we want to take advantage of this opportunity to us EV chargers for vehicles and buses in car parks along the railway network.


First project deployed

In 2023, we will launch a first pilot project with the objective of charging electrical vehicles with current directly from the 3000 V DC catenaries.