The Procurement Department
Who are we?
The Procurement Department is responsible for the purchase of works, supplies and services that TUC RAIL needs in order to carry out its activities. Our purchases are divided into three main categories:
- puchases of works and services in the name and on behalf of Infrabel
- purchase of works, supplies and services on own account (“Corporate”)
- purchases of consultancy services
Each of these categories has a dedicated cell within the Procurement Department.
All our purchases are made in accordance with the legislation on public contracts.
Purchases in name and on behalf of Infrabel
As a subsidiary of Infrabel, TUC RAIL is involved in the public procurement procedures entrusted to it by Infrabel. TUC RAIL’s main mission is to study and carry out Infrabel’s major railway projects: new tracks, modernisation of existing lines, design of engineering structures, etc.
These projects require and involve long-term collaboration with companies (mainly contractors). By launching public tenders, TUC RAIL’s Procurement Department stimulates competition and identifies partners who will contribute to the realisation and success of these projects, which are essential to tomorrow’s mobility.
Purchases for own account
This category includes all purchases of works, supplies and services necessary for the proper functioning of TUC RAIL. It mainly (but not exclusively) concerns facility and IT purchases.
Examples of contracts:
- Fleet
- Cleaning
- Catering and vending machines
- Computer licences
- Subscriptions to magazines and periodicals

Purchases of consultancy services
Within the framework of its assignments, TUC RAIL regularly calls on external consultancy services such as ICT, project management, engineering, etc.
To this end, the Procurement Department had set up and published a qualification system that enables candidate companies to be listed and therefore consulted if they meet the requirements.
Contact the Procurement Department
Fonsnylaan 39
1060 Brussel
👉 Corporate Purchases:
👉 Consultancy Purchases:
👉 Other purchases: